We interrupt this earthquake prep series for a quick reminder that it's that time of year to consider heartworm treatment for your dog or cat. No, it wasn't the fact that water storage as a topic is on our minds, but since you brought it up, getting rid of standing water will help mitigate an increase in the mosquito population.
You see mosquitoes are what spread heartworm to our favorite canines and felines. What got our attention was the spike of cases to 153 in San Mateo County.
While 153 isn't exactly an epidemic, the spike is a solid reminder that this disease is most active in the month of May. The need for heartworm protection applies not just if your animal goes outside, since infected mosquitoes are thought to prefer to be indoors. The protection from the oral or topical medication extends to a heartworm infection that occurred several weeks ago (up to two months).
The heartworm treatment is given once per month to protect your animal year round, but if you are going to do it, May is the perfect time to start. Call the hospital if you need to consult with your doctor about which is the right medication for your pet.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled 'pet ready' earthquake preparation series.