We thought you might enjoy a few photos from this year's Pet Ready! 2014 event. As our third annual, and best-attended Pet Ready! ever, we couldn't be happier.
The goal is to help you find out the differences between being earthquake prepared for humans and being prepared for pets (hint: some standard practices for people might actually harm pets). The information and techniques apply to any emergency situation, but as the Boy and Girl Scouts of America say, be prepared.
Pet Ready! is a fun half-day of information and training from veterinary professionals and emergency response experts, with special appearances this year by Los Altos Hills County Fire District and FEMA Urban Search and Rescue. It's always free for you to attend, and hosted by the Foothill College Student Chapter of the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (SCNAVTA).
This year's event packed the house with young and old alike, learning, practicing and generally just having a great time. As you enjoy the photos from this year, consider joining us next April.
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